Sunday, October 17, 2010

Let the Journey Begin!

Well, we are on our way!  In the last 10 days we have done two competitions, been to an Arizona Cardinals home game, celebrated Jim’s birthday and packed up everything we could possible need for our 1,700 mile trek to the home of the Jack Daniels whiskey, Lynchburg, Tennessee!!  Day 1 started later in the morning so we could recover from the Queen Creek competition and consisted of a long drive but at least we had some entertainment along the way!  Nothing like seeing a prison uniform on the side of the road or a car pulled over by the police with 2 open 30 pack of beer sitting on the hood!  Poor Seamus doesn’t really know what’s going on nor does he seem to care.  He slept the entire ride and is now excited to sleep in the camper.  We stopped at a KOA campground in Tucumcari, NM and will make it somewhere around Little Rock, AR tomorrow.  The weather is beautiful compared to the full blown summer we’re still experiencing in Phoenix but hopefully we’ll get to a place with actual trees soon so we can see the colors of them changing!  A lot of flat land with signs telling us they have the cheapest Indian blankets and moccasins.  I’m sure tomorrow will be much of the same but at least we haven’t seen it in a while so it will seem new and exciting…yeah, right.  Now we’re off to get some sleep so we can do it all over again tomorrow…and the day after that!!

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